Working Group Meeting in Spišská Nová Ves and sensitization training for its members

As usual, we started this Working Group meeting with the current situation in the institutions. We opened the discussion about the activities implemented, news, way of working and practice in relation to violence against women in Spišská Nová Ves.

The need of the members of the working group was education in the field of violence against women. With the addition of new members to the Working Group, we jointly decided to fulfil this need and started with the first part of the sensitisation training, which was implemented in an interactive way through activities. In the first activity, we talked to the members about what skills they have already acquired in the past to support women experiencing violence, what they already know about violence against women and what their views are on the topic. The second activity focused on the myths and facts that still persist in society on the topic of violence against women. The aim of this activity was to raise awareness about beliefs, ideas and values on this topic.

At the end, we evaluated the first part of the training and agreed on the next meeting, which will be in September.

The project is implemented by Fenestra in partnership with OZHANA and OZ Pomoc rodine.

More about the project:

The content of this article is the responsibility of Fenestra, OZ Hana and OZ Pomoc rodine. The programme administrator is not responsible for any information contained in this article.


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< 16 / 16 >

Does your partner justify his violent behaviour by drinking or having a bad day at work, etc.?

< 15 / 16 >

Has your partner ever prevented you from leaving the house?

< 14 / 16 >

Does your partner force sex or sexual practices that are uncomfortable for you?

< 13 / 16 >

Does your partner threaten to take your children away from you or not let you take them with you if you try to leave him?

< 12 / 16 >

Has your partner ever prevented you from taking necessary medication or seeking medical help when you needed it?

< 11 / 16 >

Does your partner force you to do things you don't want to do?

< 10 / 16 >

Has there been a situation when your partner did not give you money and you could not buy things you needed for yourself and your children because of this?

< 9 / 16 >

Has your partner ever threatened you?

< 8 / 16 >

Has your partner ever hurt you or your children?

< 7 / 16 >

Have you ever had a partner deliberately destroy your personal belongings or your children's personal belongings?

< 6 / 16 >

Do you sometimes change your behaviour because you are afraid of what your partner will say or do to you?

< 5 / 16 >

Are you sometimes afraid of your partner?

< 4 / 16 >

Does he criticize, humiliate, insult, berate you?

< 3 / 16 >

Does your partner accuse you of flirting or having relationships with other men?

< 2 / 16 >

Does your partner control you or stalk you?

< 1 / 16 >

Does your partner prevent you from seeing friends or family?


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