Protocol for online counselling

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many significant changes to our daily functioning. Taking in consideration limitations in our work with women survivors of violence due to restrictions imposed by the pandemic we had to find alternative ways of providing support. For that purpose, we adjusted our work in the form of conducting online counseling or remote counseling.

Online counseling or remote counseling and support is a customized counseling and support program for women who have survived violence and sought help from a Counseling Center run by a women’s organization.

The goal of the protocol is to further build the capacity of project partners and external collaborators in adapting their work to the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic or any similar emergency situation, in order to maintain our work’s continuity and accessibility for GBV survivors who turn to us for help due to the violence they have experienced.

Furthermore, the help and support provided remotely needs to be safe with safety of women being a top priority. For that purpose, in this document we gathered relevant information on devices and equipment for communication, space of counseling, as well as applications that can be used for conducting counseling. The document also refers to other technical and security issues in the process of counseling, as well as the protection of both sides involved in the online counseling process and counselling competencies in an online setting.

Protocol for online counseling was developed within the project “Protection of victims of gender-based violence – response to pandemic challenges (RISKFREE)” financed by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values program (CERV) of the European Commission.

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or [name of the granting authority]. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”

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< 16 / 16 >

Does your partner justify his violent behaviour by drinking or having a bad day at work, etc.?

< 15 / 16 >

Has your partner ever prevented you from leaving the house?

< 14 / 16 >

Does your partner force sex or sexual practices that are uncomfortable for you?

< 13 / 16 >

Does your partner threaten to take your children away from you or not let you take them with you if you try to leave him?

< 12 / 16 >

Has your partner ever prevented you from taking necessary medication or seeking medical help when you needed it?

< 11 / 16 >

Does your partner force you to do things you don't want to do?

< 10 / 16 >

Has there been a situation when your partner did not give you money and you could not buy things you needed for yourself and your children because of this?

< 9 / 16 >

Has your partner ever threatened you?

< 8 / 16 >

Has your partner ever hurt you or your children?

< 7 / 16 >

Have you ever had a partner deliberately destroy your personal belongings or your children's personal belongings?

< 6 / 16 >

Do you sometimes change your behaviour because you are afraid of what your partner will say or do to you?

< 5 / 16 >

Are you sometimes afraid of your partner?

< 4 / 16 >

Does he criticize, humiliate, insult, berate you?

< 3 / 16 >

Does your partner accuse you of flirting or having relationships with other men?

< 2 / 16 >

Does your partner control you or stalk you?

< 1 / 16 >

Does your partner prevent you from seeing friends or family?


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