We stand with women. We protect and support them!
Project: „We stand with women. We protect and support them!“ // English version Project code: DGV02013 Programme: Domestic and Gender Based Violence Region: Košice Region
Project: „We stand with women. We protect and support them!“ // English version Project code: DGV02013 Programme: Domestic and Gender Based Violence Region: Košice Region
Festivalové námestie 2, Košice
+421 911 224 777
IČO: 35531151
< 16 / 16 >
Does your partner justify his violent behaviour by drinking or having a bad day at work, etc.?
< 13 / 16 >
Does your partner threaten to take your children away from you or not let you take them with you if you try to leave him?
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Has your partner ever prevented you from taking necessary medication or seeking medical help when you needed it?
< 10 / 16 >
Has there been a situation when your partner did not give you money and you could not buy things you needed for yourself and your children because of this?
< 7 / 16 >
Have you ever had a partner deliberately destroy your personal belongings or your children's personal belongings?
< 6 / 16 >
Do you sometimes change your behaviour because you are afraid of what your partner will say or do to you?
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